Wednesday 17 April 2013

Lamentations of an onlooker

The reason of the issue is very key
Truth is a pain so sharp like the sting of bee
Yet the world of deception is a synonym of the world of 'she'
In the mundane orchestra of life many a situation of love I've been privileged to see
Few sweet, many bitter, many more sour like some fruits of the citrus tree
She-teaching the subject of oneness but all a lying spree
And sampling from one 'he' to another 'he', is all the same story
Tell me,
When from the clutches of Eve would Adam be free
To whom like Wisdom will all 'he' clench and shall never flee?

Like the spread of sea the pains she inflicts is very in depth, her mind so cunny
And for he, all he sees is her eternal face of glory
He says, her mind is chaste, her thoughts holy
But who could blame 'he' for his folly when for the wrongs she does he thinks she is ready to lament a true latest sorry
Tell me,
When from the wicked world of she will he be free
To whom like 'Third Eye' will all 'he' behold and shall never flee?

Wednesday 3 April 2013


Things that I like please don't hurt me
Things that will hurt me I pray not to like
Not all good things are profitable
Not all profitable things makes you whole